Beginer Lures

Having the right lures is necessary for catching fish. Depending on the species you are targeting, fish will strike different things. Many people tend to think that bigger and shinier baits catch bigger fish, but this is far from the truth. I have caught multiple large fish on the smallest of lures.

For the most basic of lures, look for live bait such as worms, nightcrawlers, and mealworms. Live bait has proven time and time again to be the most effective and versatile baits. I have caught almost every type of fish in Connecticut freshwater on live bugs and worms. I like to refer to them as "old reliable." You can find live bait for sale at almost every fishing store and many gas stations. You can even find live bait in your own backyard. Nobody will ever say no to free bait.

However, many people tend to be squeamish around live baits and opt to use artificial ones. When walking into your local fishing store, you will notice that many lures attract the attention of the fisherman rather than the attention of the fish. Fake worms such as Senkos and PowerBait worms always work for me when fishing at my local ponds and lakes. Watch my video on how to use fake worms below. Another type of lure that works great is spinners and spoons. I have caught many different species on both of these lures, and they have a very simple cast and retrieve technique. Watch my video on how to use them below.

It will seem very confusing at first to use many of these different lures, but I can assure you that as you continue fishing, you will not only learn about how to use them better but will also learn from other fishermen in the community.

Here are some videos about how to use some of the most common fishing lures. 

The Crankbait

Topwater Frog

Fake Worms

Spinner Bait

Header photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash